Thermo is, well, a thermometer.


Thermo is a thermometer for iOS, it uses geo-location functionality to let you know the current temperature in your area. The app itself is beautifully designed, and while simple, it fulfills its purpose very well.

In comparison to other iPhone weather apps, it offers a very simple approach: showing nothing more than the current temperature, and the temperature at the same time the previous day. Units can be toggled between Celsius or Fahrenheit, and auto-locate can be turned on or off. The graphics in the application are quite literally a work of art: it’s worth downloading just to have a look.

Thermo is available free (ad-supported) from the iOS App Store, the ad-free version is available for $0.99.

Check out Thermo for iOS here.



3 Responses

  1. That thing actually is very attractive. Normally I find overly eye-candy filled apps offputting, but I suppose this one only as a single use so it’s alright.

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