Category: Bootstrapped


Spaaze is a Virtual Corkboard to Organize Your Projects

Spaaze is an entirely free online corkboard which lets users organize sticky notes, links, images, videos and basically anything else you could think of in an infinite canvas which is saved in real-time. It’s a great way to organize separate bits of online information together in one easily accessible location as you figure out what’s what.


Why Gumroad is the next billion dollar startup – The developer interview

Gumroad launched this week to a huge amount of interest from consumers and from the media. The startup is basically a service which lets users buy and sell digital goods with no hassle and minimal effort. Whether you’re selling design templates, source code or sharing a private link – you’re able to monetize it in just a few clicks. We invited the developer of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia, to have a chat to us about the huge potential of the product.


Your product should always fix a problem, even if your users don’t realize it.

The best way to ensure your startup has a place in the market, and to ensure that it has long-term potential, is to figure out what ‘problem’ you’re fixing in the life of your users. If your product isn’t fixing a problem, no matter how generalized that problem may be, its chances of being successful are severely limited.


Monetization is the best way to validate the worth of your product.

When launching any new startup, or any new personal project, it’s often very difficult to validate the worth of your product: Is it good enough to gain serious traction? Do people really want to use it? The best way to find those answers is often through monetization.

Let's Crate

Turning down $250,000 for your startup – the Crate story.

We invited the founder of Crate, Sahil Lavingia, to have a chat with us about the service, and to share the always exciting tale of the rollercoaster ride following any startup launch. Crate has recently crossed the 10,000 users mark, and has turned down a $250,000 sale offer.


How Tiny Wings outflew Angry Birds.

The latest hit iOS game, Tiny Wings, has done something that many thought impossible just a few weeks ago: it has knocked Angry Birds off the number one paid download pedestal on the App Store. is an for Developers offers personal homepages for developers, where users can show off a personal bio, links to their latest projects, and links to Facebook, Twitter and other online media. The service is currently invite-only, but you can apply with ease.


Everyday for iPhone captures photos of your face. Every day.

Everyday is an all new app for your iPhone 4 which creates amazing, and perhaps a little more than mildly creepy, videos using photos of your face taken every single day. The concept is very similar to this video, or if you’re looking for something even weirder, this one.


Thermo is, well, a thermometer.

Thermo is an iOS app which acts as a thermometer, using geo-location functionality to let you know the current temperature in your area. The app itself is beautifully designed, and while simple, it fulfills its purpose very well.