


How my startup launched to 50,000 daily pageviews with just a few emails.

The launch of any startup is often the most important factor in determining the success of the product in the short-term, and consequently it’s vital that it is done successfully. Today we are sharing the story of a Windows software developer who launched his bootstrapped application to 50,000 daily pageviews with just a few emails to a number of select technology websites.


How I doubled the price of my software product – and sold ten times as many copies.

Decreasing the price of your software product doesn’t necessarily mean you will sell more copies, and increasing the price certainly doesn’t mean you will sell less: today we are sharing the story of a Windows software developer who, by increasing the price of his software, managed to significantly increase the number of licenses he sold.


An email client that achieved 20,000 downloads in a day: The Sparrow story

Sparrow is a new email client for OSX that has taken the Mac world by storm: it was downloaded over 20,000 times on launch day, and has been downloaded 100,000 times since the Mac App Store launched in January. To hear the background story on Sparrow, we invited it’s co-founder, Dominique Leca to have a chat.


Why Gumroad is the next billion dollar startup – The developer interview

Gumroad launched this week to a huge amount of interest from consumers and from the media. The startup is basically a service which lets users buy and sell digital goods with no hassle and minimal effort. Whether you’re selling design templates, source code or sharing a private link – you’re able to monetize it in just a few clicks. We invited the developer of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia, to have a chat to us about the huge potential of the product.


A practice run that made it big – the Wunderlist story

We recently checked out Wunderlist, a fantastic new to-do application for a range of platforms which has quite literally risen to the top in the industry. To tell us the background story on Wunderlist, we invited the founder of 6Wunderkinder, Christian Reber, to have a chat.

Let's Crate

Turning down $250,000 for your startup – the Crate story.

We invited the founder of Crate, Sahil Lavingia, to have a chat with us about the service, and to share the always exciting tale of the rollercoaster ride following any startup launch. Crate has recently crossed the 10,000 users mark, and has turned down a $250,000 sale offer.